Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Women Against Prostate Cancer


"On June 19, 2009, my husband was diagnosed with an aggressive prostate cancer. Ray was 56 years old when he was diagnosed, with no family history that we are aware of. I knew that a support group is what we needed..., families who are dealing with the same disease as us. I found one, and after attending the first meeting we were overwhelmed with the support of the members who welcomed us with open arms.

Now armed with more information about treatment options, Ray was able to make a decision that best suited him. We did research on the options available and knew the pros and cons of the treatments. I was there to support his decision no matter what he chose. The option that he chose was robotic surgery and the date was October 12, 2009. That day we had another anniversary to celebrate: the day Ray became a SURVIVOR of prostate cancer. Even though he became a survivor, we are still dealing with the disease. After the surgery, the doctor came out to tell me that the surgery was over, but the cancer had escaped the prostate and into the lymph nodes.

At the post-op appointment, the PSA test came back within a normal range. But we are not out of the woods yet, the first 5 years are critical for reoccurrence. Every three months we have the waiting period of the return of the PSA results. My anxiety and depression increases until the test is back and then relieved to hear that it's less than 0.01 or undetectable!

No family should have to go through this when there could be more research done to find a cure. Earlier testing is very important and could save lives and grief. Since prostate cancer has become part of my life I take every opportunity to help bring awareness. I have started a group on Facebook called Prostate Cancer Survivors, Caregivers, and Friends United. I will do whatever it takes to help win this battle of prostate cancer not only for my husband and sons but for other families as well."


Monday, July 21, 2014

Senator Portman's Office Responding to Your Email

Dear Linda,
Thank you for contacting Senator Portman’s Office and sharing your story about your husband Ray’s battle against Prostate Cancer. The Senator and his staff appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with us. We are happy to hear that your husband has staved off the Prostate Cancer, and we wish him and your family the best.
The Senator thanks you for your input on the PSA test and he will be mindful of your concerns. Improving and protecting the health of Ohioans and all Americans is one of our country's top priorities. With the cost and prevalence of communicable and non-communicable diseases in Ohio and the United States, the Senator recognizes the positive impact treatment and prevention have on our nation. America is home to the finest health care workforce, hospitals, and research facilities in the world, and the Senator is committed to ensuring the United States retains its excellence in health care delivery and research at a time of constrained resources.
For more information, please visit Senator Portman’s web site, www.portman.senate.gov, which acts as an interactive information source for the people of Ohio. The website is an informative online office where Ohioans can access the federal government, keep up with the latest in Washington, write to the Senator, and join in his efforts to improve Ohio's economy and help create jobs. A few of the most popular features include signing up for the Senator’s e-newsletter, requesting a tour of the White House, seeking assistance with a federal agency, or learning more about the issues being debated in the U.S. Senate.
Thank you for taking the time to contact the Senator’s office. Please keep in touch.
Brad Couts
Legislative Correspondent
U.S. Senator Rob Portman (OH)
448 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C., 20510

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Petey recently celebrated his Cancerversary. And wanted to wish those a Happy Cancerversary in the days, weeks, months and years too come!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Military camp Petey

Petey can't go into the toy isle without looking for something to play with.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Surf'n Petey

He mastered a new sport! Watch for him in the next Olympics!  USA! USA! Go for the GOLD Petey!!!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Prostate Cancer Information Bags

I am working on this idea on getting the Men to not be so hesitant in picking up prostate cancer information.
I have been contacting differnet business for Drawstring Backpack/Bags. Currently the Air Force and the Army has donated the bags. Subaru is looking into donating bags also.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Nascar Petey

When learning that the prostate was the size of a Walnut at a support group meeting in 2009.
My creative brain started creating what is now know as Petey The Prostate Crusader. 

Drawstring Backpack/Bags

I asked my group if they had a choice of Prostate Cancer information being displayed on a table or in a
drawstring backpack/bag. Which one would they take and most of them said in a bag.

So I started out an email to the Air Force and got a response that they have 22 gathered up for me. Thank You Air Force! Sent an email to the other branches of the Military and to some Sports teams but have not heard back from them.

If you know a business or Sports team who would be able to donate 10-20 drawstring backpack/bags please let me know.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Heart of Africa

Yesterday July 5, 2014 was the Welcome Home Event at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium for Veterans and their families. The Veterans and thier families get in Free. There was a fairly new exhibit that opened called The Heart of Africa. Giraffes have returned to Columbus, Ohio!  http://www.columbus.va.gov/Welcomehome.asp

Facebook Cover Banners

Show your support for Lighting the White House BLUE in September for Prostate Cancer Awareness! With your help we will reach our goal to raise awareness to this horrible disease. 

Sign the Petition and then download the cover photo to add to your Facebook page!