Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Why a walnut?

Why a walnut?

The walnut is the size of the prostate. 

June 19, 2009 my life forever changed. My husband and I devastating news. You have an aggressive form of prostate cancer.  My husband was 56 at that time. After being stunned, shocked and horrified. I had lots of questions as I was clueless to what this was. One was will our four sons be diagnosed with prostate cancer? What do we do next? Was it something I did?

The best advice from the Urologist was. Become students and learn everything you can. I took that advice to heart and did just that. And still learning almost 10 years later and will continue until there is a cure for prostate cancer! 

In 2009 I created Petey the Prostate Crusader. This is my creative way of raising awareness for prostate cancer. He goes with me every where including to Washington, DC.  My husband and I speak on Capitol Hill along with other prostate patients and survivors across the Nation. We will be in DC in 18 days attending the ZERO Summit sharing our story with Senators and Congress Members for the 7th year.  We also ask that they continue funding and research for finding a cure for this horrible disease that no one likes to talk about. Last year the Prostate Cancer patients and survivors asked for $100M for the budget. As we all were leaving the Hill after a 10 hour day of meetings and Congressional Reception. We where the BEST NEWS! $100M approved in the FY budget. 

This year our ask is $110M fingers crossed we will hear the same news leaving the Hill this year!!!

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