Sunday, December 15, 2019

Senate Hearing for S.C.R. 10

This is my testimony I read at the Senate Hearing meeting on November 20, 2013 for S.C.R. 10

On June 19, 2009 my life as a wife had forever changed in to a prostate cancer caregiver wife. My husband’s PSA rose from 7.91 to 8.42 in little over one month. June 15th a PSA and Biopsy were done I never gave it a thought that we would be called back to Wright-Patterson 4 days later and I needed to be there. That morning of the 19th I was not thinking that there was anything wrong! But when we get to the base it was strange to hear that the doctor cleared his morning schedule to talk with us. Thought it was strange but no RED flags here! We get into his office and sit down and he tells us…I am sorry Sergeant Hoetger your biopsy came back positive for an aggressive form of prostate cancer. Stunned, shocked, numb are just a few words that I can describe on that day. My tears started flowing. This is no news one wants to hear but for a doctor to have to tell the patient or the wife! After all the tears and trying to absorb the diagnosis he took the time to discuss the tests in depth, treatment options, questions. Ray did not want to hear any option except the prostate is causing the problem then take it out NOW! The Urologist said to become students and learn everything about prostate cancer and so that is what I did. I did research all the options and tried to share them with Ray but he did not want to hear any of them except surgery!

Ray was diagnosed at 56 years old with prostate cancer with a simple PSA blood test that the United States Preventative Task Force recommends against at any age. I do not agree with their recommendations as the wife of a Prostate Cancer Survivor and also a Mom of 4 young sons’ in their 20’s. It was devastating hearing that my husband was diagnosed but hearing it from my sons! When there is a simple PSA blood test that could save their life?

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