Friday, June 25, 2021

Challenge accepted!

 I have accepted the challenge and doing my best to raise awareness. And to help educate men and their families about prostate cancer. 

Many times we will be talking with men and families about prostate health. And when you ask them about their PSA. They will say I had a colonoscopy and the doctor said I have no polyps. Or I don’t want that thing ran up my…you know where. 

We are talking about two different areas. The PSA test starts out with a simple blood test. And if you are already having a blood draw. Ask your provider to check the PSA box. At least start with a base line. If you have a family history ask for a PSA. If your adopted and are not sure of your family history. If your PSA comes back over 4 then further steps needs to be taken. A DRE…don’t fear the finger! 

Prostate cancer is not an old mans disease. Like any other organ in your body it can go bad at any time. If caught early enough there is a higher chance of survival. Ray’s diagnosis was an aggressive form. PSA was 8.42 with a Gleason of 9. He had a prostatectomy on October 12, 2009. At that time the Gleason was down graded to an 8. But the cancer had spread oitside the prostate and into the lymph nodes. Further treatments were needed and we got through it! 

As of his last PSA test he is still in remission!! I won’t say cured as I know that since it was in his lymph nodes. Prostate cancer can rear its ugly head at anytime. 

Education about prostate cancer is Key!!

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