Monday, November 26, 2018

Prostate Cancer Survivors and Caregivers Network on Facebook

Over 7 years ago I started this group on Facebook.
 It first started out as a way to share information about prostate cancer that I was finding to help in my journey. Then I started meeting wives of prostate cancer and became friends with them. We started sharing our stories between us. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of this disease. Soon after that more and more families join the group. It was public at first but men were say that they were not ready for all to see. So I made it closed. Now we are over 3,000 members strong and more are joining on a daily basis.
Here we share what is going on and support each other in our journey. We laugh at this disease and we cry when it has taken a loved one from their family. We are made up of husbands, wives and significant others. Wives has asked me if they have to leave the group when their loved one passes away. Definitely not! Unless you want to leave the group, you still have so much to offer.

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