Wednesday, January 4, 2017


PSA testing was recommended for all men over 50.

Honestly I wish a PSA test are started earlier! My 4 sons are in their 20's and 30's, and a 1 year old bi-racial grandsosn with prostste cancer on both sides of the family.

And for men over 40 with a family history of prostate cancer.

Concern some men do not share if they have been diagnosed with prostate cancer with their family.  So you may not know if there is a family history! Ray has no known family history of prostate cancer. The only thing we are thinking on his diagnosis is that he was in the Military. He is the only one of 3 brothers in the military and the only one with an aggrrssive form of prostate cancer.

Ray was at work one day talking with one of his co-workers about prostate cancer. The guy in his 30-40's said he was going to talk with his dad about prostate cancer. So that night he talked with this dad. The son got shocking news, his dad told him he was diagnosed with prostate cancer 20 years earlier but never told the family.

How many other young sons do not know if their father has prostate cancer? Or if they are adopted and what is the family history. Or if the father is not in the sons life at all and has not given any family history.

Things needs to change. Do you know if there is a family history?

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