Sunday, October 12, 2014

5 years ago

Today at this time we were up and not so ready to start the day sorta. Ray Hoetger was having his Prostatectomy on this day 5 years ago. The surgery took about 8 hours and I was praying that everything was going to be fine and the cancer would be gone. But that was not the case. After the surgery the doctor came out and gave me an update. Another I am sorry but..... the cancer has spread to the lymph-nodes. And he still has prostate cancer and will still need treatment. So again I felt like I slammed into a brick wall (June 19th and October 12th).
Yes I know it is not my cancer per say but as the caregiver/wife we pull a double duty. Not only do we take care of our loved ones we also have to remember to take time for ourselves. Which many times I forget to do that for myself.

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