Friday, October 9, 2020

Proclamation 2020

 Proclamation 144, 145, 146 came in the mail today! September is officially Prostate Cancer Awareness and Education Month. But for those families living with a prostate cancer diagnosis every day and month is Prostate Cancer Awareness. Just because the month has ended it doesn't mean we can leave our guard down. I will keep sharing my story and raise awareness all year.

June 15, 2009, the urologist office call and said that Ray needed to return as the doctor want to speak to both of us. The appointment was set for June 19, 2009, I was clueless as to why I had to be there. The urologist came in and did a little chit chat. But then we learned why we both needed to be there on that day. Words you never want to hear as a wife! Ray, you have an aggressive form of prostate cancer. I felt like I hit a brick wall at full force! Then the tears starting flowing. Sorry, the news I just got was not wanted I was prepared for. The urologist said when I was ready he would answer any questions that I had. One question I had was. What is prostate cancer? I can honestly say before June 19th I was clueless to what it was. There are to this day that can not be answered. Was it something I did? Will my sons get prostate cancer? Is it genetic? He assured me it was nothing I did. It is genetic. I don't know if it is my family or not. This could increase my son's risk even more. The best advice the urologist gave us before we left was. Become students and learn all you can.

I took his advice and was learning all that I could. I will advocate for Prostate Cancer Awareness and Education in Ohio and on Capitol Hill! In 2014 I started asking elected officials for their support in my awareness Campain as well. Some have support for years and I am grateful for that. Some have even opened up and shared their story with their community as well. I love also hearing the elected officials encouraging their residents to talk with their doctor about prostate cancer. Thank you!! I hope to have even more elected officials supporting Prostate Cancer Awareness and Education in 2021!

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